About BearPal
Courtney Bear, FDN Certified Health Coach
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Basic Lifestyle & Nutrition Guide for Women over 40!

A Little About Me…
I got into nutritional coaching after following a flexible dieting/macro counting approach. I had great success, even in the middle of perimenopause, and people began asking me, “How are you doing this? How can I do this?” I have a bachelors and masters in science and technology and I could not answer them satisfactorily. I needed to know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ – the science and the application!
The program I was on did not provide me with any education beyond basic macro counting and some mindset optimization. After being on the same macro prescription for almost 6 months, my progress began to stall. This left me frustrated with the process. After listening to podcasts and doing my own research, I sought out education, community, and certification to to pay it forward and start helping others.
My Certifications
The journey started in 2017 and now I have:
- Nutritional Coaching Institute Level 1 and Level 2
- Precision Nutrition Level 1
- Wellfitz Health Coaching Mentorship
- Health Mindset Coaching Certification
- Menopause or Athletes and Women are Not Small Men from Dr. Stacy Sims
- Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P)
- Fitness and Wellness certification from Pima Community College
For my ladies, I’m in my mid-50s and post-menopausal, so I have been where you are – or where you are heading – and I know how difficult it can be balancing your physical and health goals with work, family, and other stressors. My perspective gives me a unique ability to relate to the gals moving through life’s stages. I’ve been there and done that – school, career, kids, etc.
I’ve been Crossfitting since 2009 and I have my Level 1, Olympic Weightlifting, and Gymnastics certifications. I understand the need for proper fueling and recovery for performance-based activities or how to get you moving if you are not currently.

FDN Certified Functional Health Coach
I am a functional health coach and not a Registered Dietitian, so I cannot give you detailed food plans. And why would you want something so restrictive?! I am trained to recognize any conditions upon where you may need to be referred to the appropriate professional assistance. I network with other coaches and medical professionals, so I can utilize their knowledge, skills, and abilities to help us work through any special circumstances we may encounter. I’m always seeking more knowledge to help me be a better coach and human. I want to learn from you as a client as well.
My goal is to educate you on the process, so you can ultimately take charge of your health and well-being and meet your performance, aesthetic, or longevity goals.

BearPal Nutrition & Menopause Macros
I’m in my mid-50s and menopausal, so if you are a female, I have been where you are or where you are heading. I know how difficult it can be balancing your physical and health goals with career, family, and other demands. My perspective gives me a unique ability to relate to the gals moving through life’s stages. I have struggled with hypothyroidism for the last 11 years. If you have been diagnosed with any autoimmune issue, just know there is hope when things can get complicated in midlife. Proper nutrition, movement, stress reduction, sleep, and functional medicine have changed my life.
I have been a CrossFitter for 12+ years. I have gone through the competitive bug, the burnout, and now I enjoy a more balanced workout schedule. We can work to get you stronger, be a firebreather, or just look better naked. We tailor your activity to what you are ready for and enjoy by working within your physical capabilities and preferences.
Whether you are concerned with performance, aesthetics or longevity (PAL in BearPAL), we assess where you are and work on the underlying stressors that are holding you back such as diet, rest, sleep, movement, and stress. Macro counting isn't for everyone, so we offer other options.

BearPal Nutrition
What sets my coaching apart from others is a template program is the focus on education and communication. We start with your current comfort level and provide educational opportunities tailored to you. We want you to learn from the process. We want you to know why you are doing what you are doing. You will have access through text and email. We will have a periodic review of your progress depending on your coaching level where we look at your food intake, biofeedback, and measurements, and then we discuss any adjustments necessary to help you crush your goals.
This is ultimately your journey, and I am here to help you along the way!

BearPal Nutrition
Educational Programs
Nutrition and Lifestyle Basics Course is available on demand and is focused on the functional fitness enthusiast. Check out the free Nutrition Basics & Healthy Habits guide too.
1:1 Coaching Program
Need help figuring out your macros and improving your stress, sleep, mindset and lifestyle? In my coaching program, you get the 12-weeks of educational content and Zoom or phone check-ins every 7-14 days for a deeper dive into your goals and metrics with month-to-month packages.
Health Coaching Packages
Here we use functional labs and targeted coaching calls to to stop guessing and restore the balance your body craves with personalized tools to help you age strong, healthy, and gracefully. Packages vary from 3 to 6 months.
Click here to apply for any of my packages or programs!