Yeah, Buts … and Excuses That Multiply!

Yeah, Buts … and Excuses That Multiply!

Yeah, but … are you just avoiding your BS? Excuses. When you let one or two into your space, they begin to multiply until you are frozen in inaction. ⁣ Here are some ‘Yeah, but’ excuses …⁣ You know you should move or workout:⁣ “Yeah, but...
Perimenopause Weight Loss Resistance – STRESS?

Perimenopause Weight Loss Resistance – STRESS?

Stress and perimenopause weight loss Where is Part I of the resistance to perimenopause weight loss? I haven’t finished it, but let’s address the second issue  – our unmoderated stress response. I’ve talked about stress before and where it can come from, but...
Is Stress Derailing Your Results?

Is Stress Derailing Your Results?

Is stress your excuse for not taking care of yourself? I’m hear this a lot from clients and friends. “I went off plan because <<stressor>>.” “I didn’t have time to enter my food this week because <<stressor...
Don’t Do Mornings? Get a Routine!

Don’t Do Mornings? Get a Routine!

Not a morning person? Fine, but right now, you may want to at least get control of your day from the get go. Enter morning routines! Should you even have a morning routine? It depends. If photos on IG of the fresh-faced gal with their mug of steamy coffee journaling...